For our wedding, Tom and I chose not to hire a wedding photographer. This will probably come as a shock because since I am…
Updos are so very elegant, but I always imagined romantic twists, baby’s breath, and hair blowing in the breeze. A perfect compliment to a rustic barn wedding. …
As I mentioned, Tom and I arrived home just in time for Halloween, but had no plans and no costumes. (The cats did though because they were feeling…
Tom and I have come home just in time for Halloween. My sister leaves tomorrow back for Michigan, and so tonight the three of us are sitting down to…
Oh, cider. Yummy, good-when-cold-or-hot cider. How I’ve missed thee.…
I know it looks like I’m a totally jerk here, but really I’m just tired after a seven and a half hour drive, plus waiting for another flight to come in…
First of all, thank you for all the wonderful comments you left on my last post! While taking a break from packing I’ve decided to try and work some blogging magic.…
Where was I last week? And why didn’t I post? Oh, um, YEAH! WOOHOO! Truth be told, I thought I would have internet service, and I even had a few posts…
I apologize that these photos aren’t very good. I could blame it on the lighting, but the truth is that lately I’ve just been too tired to “bother” with composition, or…
First I just want to say a quick hello (and thank you) to the new faces I’ve seen around here lately. (Kate, Diana, Sarah, Kathryn, Lauren, to name a few!) Usually…