These were taken last Thursday, after I’d spent most of the day caught in the thunderstorm. Oh how I wish Pumpkin was in focus. Oh well, you win some you lose…
So I thought I would show you guys some of the art Tom and I have picked out for the apartment. When we first moved in I had my heart set…
Sorry I haven’t posted as frequently this past week. With seventeen days left until the wedding ceremony, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ve been keeping quite busy! I have been…
Today I was caught in the rain (uh, thunderstorm) for a few hours. Now I’m chilled to the bone, wearing a million layers, and sipping some green tea. I figured I…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days three twenty through three twenty seven Oh yeah, I kicked some brownie butt! Ice cold lemonade. Haircut and winter coat! Scooone day, remember?…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days three twelve through three nineteen OH, it’s MONDAY! It’s a holiday here so Tom and I are going over for a family dinner in a little…
Tom and I went out to breakfast at a greasy spoon with Jim yesterday, and it was surpringly pretty good. Ugh, I could totally go for some breakfast food right now.…
I like taking photos of every day objects. I think it keeps me “sharp”. I am very particular about my composition normally, but in a boring way. I like my subject…
This is a belated entry, since Tom’s birthday was on the 1st, but I figured it best to share these before it’s no longer even the same month. His vegetarian breakfast…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days three hundred four through three eleven Honeymoon flights are booked. I don’t know if you can tell, but I was feeling really awkward here. But I…