Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days two ninety six through three hundred three There’s still a few days left to get your very own set of business cards, but for now we’ll…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. Days two eighty nine through two ninety six Day 289, packing for the grown up sleepover. Grown up sleepover, day two. World hopping. You may or may…
Okay, so I’m breaking one of my own rules. This is, in fact, a 365 photo but I just HAD to use it for this post as well. I’m sorry, but…
So I started this project when I was living somewhere with a backyard. I had said to myself, I will go outside and take photos with my tripod as much as…
Cloudy Day Tea Time = One baguette, strawberry green tea, two humans, a cat, and peach jam & slices with peach plates. …
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs days two seventy three through two eighty And weee’re back with another digest! It’s the home stretch now, and I promise, promise, promise to take more photos…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days two sixty five through two seventy two July was so busy I barely had time to update you on my 365 project!! It was a nice…
I know there’s an unwritten blogger rule about posting on Sundays (there is!) but I just had to share something brief because it’s Tom’s birthday today and I couldn’t go without…
I apologize in advance for how image heavy this post will be! Even though this is most definitely a photoblog, I try to keep the images to a reasonable amount so…
We spent the weekend at fellow photographer Bronwyn‘s family farm and took walks, enjoyed great company, consumed scrumptious food, and of course took lots and lots of photos. In fact, the…
A Few Bokehlicious Shots Rain can be a good thing!…
Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. Days two hundred fifty seven – two hundred sixty four Because every girl should have a strawberry sun dress …with pockets. This is Tom and I on…