


  • Thomas & Sara

    A Secret Garden Engagement

    Good morning, world! So Tom and I decided to pack a picnic lunch and venture out into the wild unknown for some photos to send out with our wedding invitations last…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Four Months Left

    Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. Days two forty – two forty seven I am so proud. Will and Kat were visiting during this time period and I still managed to take a…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    16 Posts To Go

    Can you believe I have roughly 16 digests of this 365 Portrait Project left? I’ve got three all ready to post, but I think pictures of me are boring, so I…

  • Personal

    Asia in Canada Day

    So, if you didn’t know this before, my sister and I grew up in Okinawa, Japan. Tom and I are in the process of relearning Japanese. And Will is a China…

  • Personal

    Rainy Days Are For Tea

    And for keeping dry and warm, too. Reader and friend Ashling from New Zealand sent me a delightful little parcel which contained several goodies, but what I’m talking about in this…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.


    Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days two sixteen – two twenty three So I’ve been so busy writing about birthdays and camera tutorials that I’ve neglected to keep up with the digests…