


  • Personal

    A Walk In Gardens

    So these are older (from the 16th, to be exact!) but you fellow bloggers might know how it is. If you don’t write about it soonish then time will go by…

  • Personal

    Birthday & Upgrade Party

    The first bit of wedding planning I did was to search for photographers, obviously. The dress? Food? Flowers? None of that mattered as much to me as finding a good photographer.…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Kitty People Cuddles

    Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days two hundred eight – two fifteen So I’ve heard you and I will deliver! Tomorrow I will work on the first part of the beginner camera…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    A Whole Lot Of Hands

    Today is Tuesday. I like Tuesdays. Tuesdays are good blogging days. Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. days two hundred – two hundred seven Day 200 Mr. and I played RISK! I’ve never…

  • Personal

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Hi, Mom. I know you read this, so I just wanted to take a moment to say hello, thank you, and talk about how much I admire you for a minute.…

  • Personal

    Our Secret Place

    Both this weekend and earlier this week Tom and I went out hiking and took some time to visit the “Secret Place”, which is a small clearing just off the hiking…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Canada, Here We Go

    I’m not a fan of cranberry, as you may or may not remember, but I wanted this jar. And Tom loves cranberry (and apple cider) so that’s the story behind this…