Well, I’m done with the processing I was doing for a while. The vignettes, center light, and tones were fun for a few weeks but I prefer au naturel. So I…
On day 136 I wasn’t feeling so hot at all, and I definitely didn’t feel like having my picture taken. See, Pumpkin is a needy Ned. We suspect he suffers from…
I’ve been doing a lot more gaming than I care to admit for the last few weeks. (Only because sometimes I feel very unproductive afterwards.) Anyway, I finished up my Mass…
This is currently my favorite outfit. The light kind of makes my nose and lips look weird here. But I kinda like it. I really wish the Victorian era was in…
Wow, I’m a bit delayed posting this, but Tom works one week on and one week off, so the weeks he doesn’t work we pretty much spend every waking minute doing…
One of the suggestions I received from veterans of the project 365 was “props”. So I gave a little “oomph” this week in trying to think of props to use. It…
I am absolutely 100% sick of this project. I don’t want to give up but I’m finding it really hard to come up with interesting/quality shots every day while stuck inside.…
I find I don’t take many photographs outside in the winter, which I know I’ve already mentioned, and it’s mostly because I’m lazy, I think. I don’t want to get all…
Morn is the best picture taker. I use my remote and flash the light and he’ll look at the camera until he hears the shutter and then he’ll go back to…
Tom and I carried a forty-two inch TV home from our plaza on day 81, but I didn’t include it in my project because my sister was coming to visit and…
Usually we do laundry once a week on Mondays. But we skipped last Monday because we really didn’t have a big enough load but by Saturday we were almost out of…
Mr and I decided we’d start a new tradition, it being the first Christmas in our own home together and all. We left out cookies and milk Christmas Eve and then…