


  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Video Games & Red

    On day 136 I wasn’t feeling so hot at all, and I definitely didn’t feel like having my picture taken. See, Pumpkin is a needy Ned. We suspect he suffers from…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    A Dash Of Cold

    I’ve been doing a lot more gaming than I care to admit for the last few weeks. (Only because sometimes I feel very unproductive afterwards.) Anyway, I finished up my Mass…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Artsy & Geeky

    This is currently my favorite outfit. The light kind of makes my nose and lips look weird here. But I kinda like it. I really wish the Victorian era was in…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Bring Out The Tea

    Wow, I’m a bit delayed posting this, but Tom works one week on and one week off, so the weeks he doesn’t work we pretty much spend every waking minute doing…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    Struggling Slightly

    I am absolutely 100% sick of this project. I don’t want to give up but I’m finding it really hard to come up with interesting/quality shots every day while stuck inside.…

  • Personal

    The Great Outdoors & Towels

    I find I don’t take many photographs outside in the winter, which I know I’ve already mentioned, and it’s mostly because I’m lazy, I think. I don’t want to get all…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    8 Days of Christmas

    Usually we do laundry once a week on Mondays. But we skipped last Monday because we really didn’t have a big enough load but by Saturday we were almost out of…

  • Personal

    Christmas Is Here

    Mr and I decided we’d start a new tradition, it being the first Christmas in our own home together and all. We left out cookies and milk Christmas Eve and then…