


  • Personal

    Christmas Is Coming

    These Danish butter cookies are my favorite Christmasy cookies, I think. My favorites usually come in tins, I find. What are yours? Today will be spent baking like mad since Tom…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    A Week of Productivity

    For blog post, “Ways to Recycle Your Used Coffee Grounds” I was looking through my 365 collection the other day and realized that 67 days into my portrait project and all…

  • Personal

    Ways to Recycle Used Coffee Grounds

    According to CBS News, “More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee everyday – three to four cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting.” That’s a lot…

  • Personal

    Short Obtainable Goals

    When winter hits I have to be careful. I tend to bundle up and stay inside and I don’t go outside to take photos very often, especially when I’m shivering from…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    The First Snow

    On December 3rd I took my toe rings off- which probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I’ve been wearing these suckers since 05. The top ring had a blue…

  • Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

    The End of November

    I love tabletop games. Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, etc. For the last week I’ve been working on my own campaign (the third installment in the series) for my D&D…

  • Personal

    Giving Thanks

    For American Thanksgiving we had Janet (Tom’s mom) and Bryan (her husband) over for dinner. I am so grateful that I had a chance to share in Thanksgiving traditions this year…

  • Personal

    This Is Halloween

    This is a short entry but I just wanted to show you all what I was for Halloween. (Surprise, surprise.) I actually spent all of Halloween moving into a new apartment,…