These Danish butter cookies are my favorite Christmasy cookies, I think. My favorites usually come in tins, I find. What are yours? Today will be spent baking like mad since Tom…
For blog post, “Ways to Recycle Your Used Coffee Grounds” I was looking through my 365 collection the other day and realized that 67 days into my portrait project and all…
According to CBS News, “More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee everyday – three to four cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting.” That’s a lot…
When winter hits I have to be careful. I tend to bundle up and stay inside and I don’t go outside to take photos very often, especially when I’m shivering from…
On December 3rd I took my toe rings off- which probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I’ve been wearing these suckers since 05. The top ring had a blue…
I love tabletop games. Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, etc. For the last week I’ve been working on my own campaign (the third installment in the series) for my D&D…
For American Thanksgiving we had Janet (Tom’s mom) and Bryan (her husband) over for dinner. I am so grateful that I had a chance to share in Thanksgiving traditions this year…
Unable to stand up to shower, I took baths for two and a half weeks while sick. (I just took a shower today, though. Fantastic.) One of the few things I…
Despite being dreadfully sick for about a week now, the 365 has continued. days thirty three through forty It hit me the 9th, and then came a heavy fever for the…
This is a short entry but I just wanted to show you all what I was for Halloween. (Surprise, surprise.) I actually spent all of Halloween moving into a new apartment,…