I just wanted to say really quickly THANK YOU for all the comments on these entries, and I’m not ignoring them- it’s just I’m in the middle of working on my…
Because my sister’s are home schooled, they don’t get the opportunity to have a “school” picture taken every year. For those of us that did go to public school, it’s probably…
Today is a big one and will have to be split up into three posts. (Yikes!) We spent the day at my mother’s house playing with the girls and relaxing. (I…
We shopped till we dropped. Albums, underwear, clothes, coats, perfume. We had pretzels, pretzels dogs, and strawberry lemonade. There are some select shops in TC that have a wide selection of…
Tuesday I agreed to a photoshoot, despite being in Michigan on vacation. (Hey, I like doing it and I can’t say I mind American money.) Her name was Paige, she was…
The third was my grandmother’s birthday, and on the agenda was upside down pineapple cake, sloppy joes, potato salad, and a lot of catching up. My grandmother and grandfather were the…
Sunday was a beach day. [flickr size=”small” float=”right”]http://www.flickr.com/photos/simplystardust/3836783159[/flickr] Kat is apparently the master of the castles, and built a huge sand castle. Her time on the beach was spent building, with…
The first was actually really busy, but I barely took any photos. It will actually be a short entry! It was Tom’s birthday, and we started it by going to The…
Taken by Bronwyn. Tom and I woke to Morn and Pumpkin at our feet again, and after showering and getting dressed we dined on bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, bagels, fresh orange…
There are two pages of photos from July 30th. Whoops. Part of that is due to the all out photography war, but more on that later. [flickr size=”small” float=”right”]http://www.flickr.com/photos/simplystardust/3816771776/[/flickr] The day…
Covering the first day will be easy because most of it was spent driving. (Surprise.) We had packed the night before, and actually if I’m honest I had packed several days…