


  • Personal

    Best Weekend Ever

    I absolutely love his expression here. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I wish I didn’t look like such a nutter, but oh well. This weekend was the best weekend ever! Let me try…

  • Thomas & Sara


    Thank you for all the well wishes via email, flickr, comments, tweets, etc, yesterday everybody! They mean the world to me.…

  • Thomas & Sara

    She Said Yes

    A Letter From Tom It’s hard to know exactly what to say at a time like this. Emotions can be difficult to properly convey. So instead of trying to convey emotions,…

  • Personal

    Story Time

    I found this in the house yesterday. The story: Her plan was to come over on the Titanic, but there were no first class tickets left. She was considering going middle…

  • Personal


    My sister Kiki (we’re two years apart) writes the best letters. She has beautiful penmanship and covers the letters in doodles like the grammar fairy (our inside joke- he’s a man…

  • Personal

    Family Dinner

    [flickr size=”small” float=”right”][/flickr] Last Saturday Tom and I went to his mother’s to celebrate his grandmother’s birthday. Dinner was set for seven, and we ended up staying until around eleven! The…

  • Personal

    Tom’s Box of Beautiful Things

    A professor at the University Tom attends passed away and left all of the things in his office to the school, but his collection spanned three whole rooms! Tom was one…

  • Personal

    Victoria Day

    Yesterday was a holiday for Canadian’s (Victoria Day) complete with store closings, days off work, and fireworks! Quite the exciting surprise for me! I wonder how it would feel if an…

  • Personal


    Sometimes you walk and walk and you are really tired of walking but everyone else continues walking so you find yourself still walking along side everyone else when you really just…