If I seem quiet over here it’s because I’ve been working really hard to get this next little batch of actions ready for you photographers before spring really hits and melts…
On Sunday Atlas turned a year old! We haven’t had him that long of course (we didn’t bring him home until the very end of July) but I still can’t believe…
I hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend! I’m not much of a sweets person, but I certainly enjoy dressing up in pastel colors and lace. Tom and I headed…
I can’t believe it’s April already! (It’s almost time to see the cherry blossoms.) Last week I mentioned that I may have become addicted to levitation photos. All week I couldn’t…
It’s Friday, everyone! It’s been such a busy week for me (re: taxes) and I’m looking forward to the weekend, but I couldn’t leave you without a Spurred update this week.…
Sometimes I think “EASILY EXCITED” should be tattooed on my forehead so I don’t alarm people when I gasp about just how incredible the cranberry orange muffin I’m biting into tastes.…
I think I’m hard enough on myself that I’m allowed to say I don’t have any least favorite photos in this batch, whaddya say? I can’t help it, I like them…
So, if you’re a blogger and you’re reading this, you should go back up your content right now. I say this because a few weeks ago when Dream Host was hacked…
Humans by nature avoid change, and I am no different, when it comes to bigger things anyway. But I’ve always needed to change it up when it comes to my living…
Tom and I had an incredibly busy, but super amazing weekend. We attended a virtual photography seminar for most the weekend and then spent Sunday evening celebrating Tom’s sister’s birthday (which…