Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

In Which I Wear Black or Grey All Week

Imagine this. You’re up way earlier than you ought (read: want) to be and you’ve just gone for a three mile run. About two miles in your body actually woke up, and by the third mile your stomach refused to cooperate with any longer and even went so far as to threaten to eat your stomach lining. You’re sweaty and gross and when you open the refrigerator you realize that anything you decide to make will take longer than three seconds and therefore isn’t worth it. Lazy? Nah, you’re just exhausted! (Riiight…) But then there’s this bottle peeking out from the back shelf. That’s right, it even has a lot more goodies inside it than whatever you probably would have made yourself, and the protein will help your-currently-sore-in-the-best-way muscles grow. Some might call this the lazy runner’s life savor. I call it nectar of the gods.

On day 169, we fell in love with a wall clock and placed it above the fireplace. It tells the temperature (and humidity) in the room too.

I had received some make up to test and review and so on day 170, I finally went all out. I tried the eyebrow kit, the bronzer, under eye concealer, a lip plumper, and new lip gloss, all from E.L.F. I went a little crazy with the bronzer here, as I’m used to not so high quality blush, and it didn’t really look like much in the bathroom, but that’s okay. I liked everything they had, though, except I thought the bamboo brushes I had from Everyday Minerals were a bit better. I’m not much of a make up girl, and I wear the bare minimum (if any) for an au natural look, so I love the bronzer. Now that I’ve gotten the hang of it and it doesn’t look like I’ve been slapped on the face, anyway.

You can kind of tell I regret cutting my bangs, can’t you? Oh well. It will grow back. This used to be our old hamper. It’s a duck. We upgraded to a wicker basket because it matched the rest of our set up and have cleaned out the hamper and made it into a kitty play house. They love it!

This meal is the only reason I am pescatarian versus pure vegetarian. It is my favorite meal, I think, and Tom and I have spent quite a while perfecting our recipe, even down to our homemade cheese sauce. I realize now you have no idea what I’m talking about because this is only a shot of me crushing French fried onions. Well, you’ll just have to wait two seconds, won’t you?

Ah, there we go. It’s a simple tuna casserole, but it’s wonderful in its garlicky, cheesy, crusted onion, baked goodness. I do eat it with chopsticks and I absolutely sneak it for leftovers. And as soon as I’m done wiping my keyboard free of drool I plan on making some for dinner. A little early, perhaps.

On day 175 I cuddled up with Morn and read “My Sister’s Keeper”, by Jodi Picoult. I picked it up two years ago and still had yet to read it.

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  • Reply
    5 Apr 2010 at 10:30 pm

    oooh i absolutely love that vanilla chai. sometimes it’s on sale for $2.50 for the huge bottle and i get tons of them!
    when did you decide to go pescatarian? that’s awesome! fish is really hard to give up. i don’t eat any animal products besides sushi. haha.
    i picked up my sister’s keeper a couple years ago too, and still have yet to read it. how do you like it so far?

  • Reply
    5 Apr 2010 at 5:57 pm

    I think that last shot is my favorite. You two just look so at home.

  • Reply
    5 Apr 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Gasp! THE recipe! I remember you making this last March. 🙂 And after your birthday, well, it’s now Casserole a la Sara and Tom. Shall we make it tomorrow night?

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