Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.
Days two eighty nine through two ninety six
Day 289, packing for the grown up sleepover.

Grown up sleepover, day two.

World hopping.

You may or may not remember my material heart breaking due to my discontinued peach tea plate breaking. Well, Tom took note and hunted down a matching salad plate for me. Thanks, baby!

OH YEAH. My DS is now an eReader. Now I can start getting eBooks while I wait for my one-day-maybe Kindle to arrive. I’m actually one of the few bookies I know that in fact like the idea of an eReader instead of actual books. I mean, I love the smell of paper and the feel of books in my hand too, or the look of a book shelf in the house. But think of the difference we could make if ALL the books everywhere were electronic. Something like 40% of all books sold all over the world last year were digital. That’s amazing.
I optimistically (and perhaps naively) see for the future:
Children in school will each have their own eReaders that have custom covers or charms attached and they probably sneak dirty books or other things on there to fake reading in class. Who knows, maybe they will be inclined to read more since new stories and worlds will literally be at the tips of their fingers. One button and they can dive in. University text books will no longer cost hundreds of dollars because they don’t cost hundreds to make and print. Home work is done digitally and stored and sent digitally with eReaders. Only essays are written by hand. Handwriting isn’t as beautiful as it used to be. What’s cursive? Millions of trees are saved, and when you breathe in you can actually smell crisp, clean, air.
Kids will say, “Grandma, what was it like when you went to school?â€
And I will laugh and say, “My, well, we had to carry each book individually in bags.â€
And they will wrinkle their nose because they can’t imagine it.
Wouldn’t that be nice?

Oh yeah, surely you remember this one.

And unused photo from making homemade granola.

And this is what happens when you run out of ideas for your 365 days project.

And because two of these 365 have already been seen before, here are two vacuum outtakes just for kicks.
28 Aug 2010 at 1:00 pmyou make beautifull pictures!! Love all these bright colors 🙂
29 Aug 2010 at 1:15 pmThat’s quite the compliment coming from you, I love your work! Thank you!
13 Aug 2010 at 10:47 pmFirst, I love deign of this blog. Cool
Forth pic which self-portrait with painting is nice.
All pics are bright and colorful.
14 Aug 2010 at 12:37 pmThanks so much! And thanks for stopping by, I love your blog!
13 Aug 2010 at 4:54 pmIf the coloring of your eyes in the last 3 photos is not photoshopped, then I am blown away!
Make no mistake, I think the pictures are awesome – just so striking!
14 Aug 2010 at 12:36 pmThank you! I get that a lot actually! But no, they aren’t! (Just got lucky with the light, I guess.) I’ll have to show some SOOC shots sometime!
13 Aug 2010 at 8:19 amAHAHA. You’re so adorable. I love those last ones.
Kyle broke one of the bowls to my Jade set. It’s nearly impossible to find one dish right now since they are new, but I don’t think it’s my dream china set anyway. However, when I get the guts to take a photo and post it…I did break the glass that belonged to my grandfather. Ugh, still reeling from that one.
Beautiful photos. 🙂