Sorry I haven’t posted as frequently this past week. With seventeen days left until the wedding ceremony, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ve been keeping quite busy! I have been trying to prepare some posts in advance so that that I don’t completely disappear off the face of the earth. I have a few autumn recipe ideas, if I can just get the time to make them. I’m ridiculously excited for the pumpkin drinks to start coming out, and I’ve been holding off on pumpkin pancakes/bread/muffins/basically-anything-I-can-put-in-my-mouth until the leaves started falling. This is absolutely my favorite season and I couldn’t imagine a better time to have a wedding.
The planning is mostly done, I’m just working on the music now. I can’t WAIT to share the wedding with you. I may have mentioned this before, but I want my guests to be surprised (some of them read this!) so I won’t be sharing details here yet. Lots of good photography posts to come, I promise.

Okay, I said I wasn’t going to post any details. Except these Victorian wedding boots. That’s the last bit, I promise.
This is the day Tom and I went to the Vegetarian Food Fair.
I saw this brand of shampoo, conditioner, and soap while out shopping in Winners. It was the green tea that caught my eye, but the shampoo also has argan oil in it, which is supposed to make your hair super silky. 100% natural, free of parabens, petroleum bases, sodium laureth sulfate and contains no artificial fragrance, and they are a Canadian fair trade company! I’m all about fair trade organics. Mmhmm!
Sipping on some strawberry soymilk from Natur-a that we picked up at the Vegetarian Food Fair! Delicious! I’m not too keen on the packaging though, but it was all they had left of the strawberry.
Check out these sexy tan lines. You know you want some.
This is me, too tired from working with kids all day, to take a proper portrait. So you get a messy, tired, slapdash portrait. I will try to let this be the last perfunctory portrait I make in this project.
Thigh high socks and the autumn house decorations return!
Vivian Perez
15 Sep 2011 at 9:38 pmHello, do you think you could email the editor of Victorian Homes a few high resolution photos of Victorian Wedding Boots? I am a freelance writer and I want to write an article about Victorian Wedding Boots, but I need good photos. What do you think?
Lauren Nicole
22 Sep 2010 at 10:46 pm*SWOOOOOOOOOOON* those boots! I cannot wait to see the wedding update. I imagine it’s going to be lovely and as beautiful as ever.
miss alix
21 Sep 2010 at 5:45 pma) those boots are amazing.
b) i love love love the socks
c) yay wedding! how terribly exciting, can’t wait to see.
21 Sep 2010 at 4:28 pmthose boots are gorgeous! O _ O
i cannot WAIT to see wedding photos! i know it’s going to be beautiful.
Nicole Lee
21 Sep 2010 at 3:55 pmI adore those socks.