First I just want to say a quick hello (and thank you) to the new faces I’ve seen around here lately. (Kate, Diana, Sarah, Kathryn, Lauren, to name a few!) Usually when there’s a new face I immediately go and browse either your blog or photography for a bit, leave comments and basically get to know you the best I can. But unfortunately, the past few weeks have been rather crazy for me as I prepare the final wedding arrangements. Please know I am so happy you are here and can’t wait to take a gander at your blogs as soon as I get back!
And without further ado, the third to last digest for my 365 project, (Oh. My. WORD.) and a little of my life to go with it.
They were giving out free VegNews magazines at the Food Fair, which was pretty awesome. Despite not really being much of a magazine person, I read most of it! Usually I find magazine articles are kind of fluffy and not really in-depth enough for my tastes. They leave me asking a lot of questions, but not in a good way. Does anyone else feel this way?
Pumpkin muffin and a pumpkin spiced latte (hold the espresso) with soymilk. So really just pumpkin flavoring with milk over ice. Yeah, I’m cool.
Leashes! Are we getting a dog, you ask? Or perhaps a ferret? (I wish!) No, the leashes are for Morn and Pumpkin! We want to be able to take them for walks while we’re in Michigan, because we thought that would be a cool thing to do. We tested it out once the day we brought them home, and while Morn really loved it, Pumpkin would not leave the building. I sat with him for a while, thinking he might get brave eventually, but he left my lap not to explore and instead curl up BEHIND me and shake like a leaf.
When this guy was a kitten he used to go everywhere with me in my coat. However, there was this one time that he and my roommate’s kitten busted through the screen door in our old house, and this being his first and only escape attempt, he was outside for maybe two minutes before he crammed himself in between the screen and glass door trying to get back in, bonsai kitten style. It was his pathetic mew mew that let us even know he was there. The other cat was gone for three days, you know, like a real cat.
Awesome game. That’s all I have to say about that. Though now we’ve moved on to Fallout 3.
My caterer went out of business on this day, and with only two weeks until the big day, I was trying not to panic. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, except it’s a small town, we had a buffet going, and veggie & vegan options. Where the heck were we going to find someone on such sort notice? Luckily the problem is solved.
Because I’m tired and I seem to have misplaced my remote.

Do you like my Pumpkin hat? You can’t really tell from this picture, but he was actually sitting on my head without me holding him. Like I said, he’s weird.
Only two digest posts left! (That’s 11 portraits left and I can finally stop taking pictures of myself!! WOOHOO!) I hope life is treating you all well, I promise I’ll catch up in blogland soon!
30 Sep 2010 at 7:41 pmThird to last! Goodness. I’m in the very last week of my 365, and I actually can’t believe how much effort has gone into keeping up with it. Good for you, hey. You’re almost at the end! 🙂
miss alix
28 Sep 2010 at 10:55 pmah your cat is so adorable. my cats love to sit on my shoulders. i’ve always wanted to get them leashes, but don’t think they’ll like it.
um i can’t believe your caterer went out of business, what a nightmare! glad it’s all sorted though.
28 Sep 2010 at 9:12 pmThat pumpkin muffin looks SO GOOD. I am sort of starting to get some of my taste back and right now I am craving that muffin!! I hope I can somehow get one soon! I’ll definitely have to try making some when I am able too. Yum!! I find most magazine articles to be full of fluff as well, but I do like the pictures in some of them and I love food ones! I really like Food Magazine and Cooking Light.
28 Sep 2010 at 6:14 pmLove the last photo. Haha, my cat tends to sit on my shoulder. But, I’m really not fond of having it’s butt in my face 😀
28 Sep 2010 at 6:00 pmDude. The Pumpkin Hat ROCKS. Fallout 3 ROCKS, too. I really need to get back in that game. I binged on it pretty hardcore a few months ago and despite all the hours I crammed into it, I barely scratched the surface. Will you guys be playing the PC version?
28 Sep 2010 at 4:59 pmYour eyes look beautiful in that photo! I love the pictures you take of food, they always make me hungry haha
Can’t wait until your big day! I imagine that it’s going to be beautiful! be sure to post some pictures 🙂
28 Sep 2010 at 9:02 amI am going to try your pumpkin muffins at some point. They look delicious. And your Pumpkin hat is the cutest ever! What a doll.