Usually we do laundry once a week on Mondays. But we skipped last Monday because we really didn’t have a big enough load but by Saturday we were almost out of clothes! I definitely sang Dr. Horrible’s, “Laundry Day” while doing it, too.
I didn’t think I’d upload this image but in the end, it’s the one I felt represented me best for day 73, and that’s what I’m trying to do with this project. I want to document the mood and important things about that day. And I felt 100% out of focus.
Tom and I spent most of day 74 walking to the shopping plaza about forty five minutes from our house. To keep warm, I purchased some earmuffs. My ears and fingers are the first to freeze. I can be bundled from head to toe but if my ears are cold my whole body is miserable.
Pretty sure I’ve eaten the entire tin of Danish butter cookies (extra rich) myself over the course of a week.
Day 76 was spent running errands and borrowing a car. Pretty boring, I guess.
Christmas Eve was spent at Tom’s mother’s. We listened to good music, enjoyed fantastic company, and delicious food.
Christmas day, and for Christmas day there were Christmas shoes!
Day 80, and I wanted to wear a rose in my hair for another day. This photo is blurry, but it’s my favorite from this day. I had several other promising ones, but this one charmed me with it’s simplicity.

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5 Jan 2010 at 5:56 pmguh! your photos are always so gorgeous. if for some reason you imagine you might be in Dallas, TX on 10/10/10, i would love love love for you to take my wedding pictures 😛
30 Dec 2009 at 11:42 pmI love this last one to pieces. (they all, of course, are beautiful!)