Tom and I carried a forty-two inch TV home from our plaza on day 81, but I didn’t include it in my project because my sister was coming to visit and we wanted to surprise her. It was quite the adventure. And I can’t even begin to explain to you how sore my arms were. Day 82 was a day of rest. And a day of pajamas and video games on the new TV.
My ten year old sister made this for me for Christmas. It reminds me of our time at the zoo.
My sister drove 7+ hours up from Michigan to visit me for my birthday and delivered my cats. (We’ve spent a year without them while Tom and I waited for a place of our own.) It’s good to have them home.
So long 2oo9!
A gift from my darling sister.
Day 87 marked January 2nd, which was also my birthday! I had a fantastic time with friends and family playing cards (Mao) and video games, talking and devouring pie and pizza. And ever since my birthday I’ve lost my life to Scribblenauts and Animal Crossing. We’d been talking about getting a DS for months and the idea was to share one. I joked about how pink would be cool but we agreed on red because it was a nice compromise for something we’d be sharing. And it’s pink. What a guy.

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8 Jan 2010 at 8:05 amhappy birthday! I hope this new year comes great for you with lots of happiness and good moments.
lovely pink DS (;
8 Jan 2010 at 3:41 pmThank you! Happy new year to you as well. =)
7 Jan 2010 at 7:40 pmwhat big beautiful bedroom windows you have! i’m envious.
are those kitty drumsticks i see on the bed as well? i love when any animal lies with its back legs flung out.
8 Jan 2010 at 3:41 pmThank you! It was definitely one of the deciding factors when we decided on this apartment. (That and the wood burning fireplace.)
And yeeesss those are kitty drumsticks. My favorite kind of drumsticks. =D
7 Jan 2010 at 7:31 pmDo I spy a DS in metallic rose?
I got the very same gift! 🙂
8 Jan 2010 at 3:40 pmWOOHOO. Friends code SWAP.