
A Pretty Good Excuse

So my Caturday plan for this weekend (to make up for missing last weekend) was to take photos of three new cats for you as a surprise and a Caturday change of pace. However that plan relied entirely on Tom and I reaching Michigan before 9pm so that I could photograph these particular cats. And you can probably guess what that means- we spent this past weekend in Traverse City! (Psst- for those of you new to this blog -hi, and thank you for visiting!- my family lives in Michigan!) So we were heading down to celebrate two good friends tying the knot (Saturday), but the border was so crazy on Friday that the typical seven hour trip took ten and a half!! We didn’t finish the drive until after dark and I had no chance to photograph the cats. So, I missed Caturday, two weekends in a row and I’m stumped as to how I’m going to make it up to you next weekend. I shall have to think of something spectacular.

Thanks for all the comments and emails over the weekend, I promise I’ll start to really tackle everything tomorrow but as we’ve just come home and we’re quite exhausted from the drive, I figured it’d be all right if I just took Tom to bed. Goodnight and sweet dreams to you when you get there whenever that may be.

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  • Reply
    27 Sep 2011 at 3:00 pm

    I don’t know how you drove that long. I’d be going insane. Our drive to Maryland took us about six and I was going crazy in that little Ford Focus, only able to take photos through the windows or with wind completely tangling my hair around my camera. I got a few good shots, but I still missed walking around somewhere. Look forward to seeing more of your photos. It’s been a while since I’ve caught up on your blog. Hope all is well. Congrats on the cookbook, by the way. I’m in the process of saving for an upgraded camera (looking at the 5D Mark II) and a few good lenses. I’m in love with my 35mm but when I got it, I realized it was broken, so I can’t use it on auto at all. I’m dealing with it. Anywho. Nice “seeing” you again. : )

    P.S. I’ve gotten a lot of questions regarding my website. Everyone loves it.


  • Reply
    27 Sep 2011 at 5:44 am

    10 hours driving!!!! for me only 3 are more than enough! By the way, we went to see “Midnight in Paris” but I didn’t eat chocolate, only gummy bears 😉

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