So I thought I would show you guys some of the art Tom and I have picked out for the apartment. When we first moved in I had my heart set on painting the walls, because we could and I firmly believe painting the walls makes a HUGE difference in how cozy a place feels. I wanted to paint in my very first apartment, but never got around to it, and then again in my last house, but ultimately decided against it because I had roommates, and the collective attitude was, “who knows if we’ll even be here next year”. (We ended up staying for two years, but oh well!) And so this time I practically begged Tom to let us paint. Even though he didn’t want to paint if we were to be moving out soon after, he said yes. We picked out colors from swatches (burnt pumpkin orange for the bedroom and a pale but summery sunny yellow for the living room and perhaps kitchen). We still have rollers and tape in the storage closet. However, it was so much effort to move in, and with all the time and energy it took just furnishing the place from scratch, we were both too exhausted to even think about painting.
Laying cuddled up on the floor on our first night in the apartment I said, “Honey, don’t be mad, but I think I’m too tired to paint.” Of course he felt the same way. And that was that. But we have filled the place with some nice artwork. It’s rare I think to have the same taste in art as your partner, but I wasn’t surprised when Tom and I pointed to our first (and then our second, third and so on) paintings at the same time. We have the same taste in food (98% of the time it’s “Actually, I’ll have what she/he is having, please”), music, books, etc, so why wouldn’t we have the same taste in art? Anyway, I’ll stop rambling on and actually show you what we have around the house. I apologize for the sometimes glare and the sometimes spotty nature. It’s hard taking photos of paintings!

23 Sep 2010 at 8:01 pmGORGEOUS! Love them. They’re just my taste in art too.
All of them are so seasonal and so… ummm.. I can’t think of the right word.. they’ve got incredible narrative in them. If that makes sense. Like, they tell a story.
22 Sep 2010 at 2:49 pmI love the brooding waves in the first one! Bobby and I have had a few disagreements over wall art, but fortunately he’s usually not bothered by what I pick and we can usually compromise on what he wants to put up. If you remember the pictures of our bathroom I posted a while back you’ll know what I mean!
22 Sep 2010 at 2:36 pmAmazing paintings, you have good taste!! 😉 I especially love the first one.