
Breakfast At A Diner

Tom and I went out to breakfast at a greasy spoon with Jim yesterday, and it was surpringly pretty good. Ugh, I could totally go for some breakfast food right now.


Tom saying something about spit.

Growly faces.

Also, this is prior to Tom’s haircut. It is now short and he doesn’t “look like a hobo”. (His words.)

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  • Reply
    5 Sep 2010 at 8:09 am

    My, what a dashing hobo!

  • Reply
    1 Sep 2010 at 2:47 pm

    Hah! Is that really Tom’s idea of hobo-hair? Phew. He should get a peek at Chris when he lets his hair grow for a month or two longer than it should.

    Also, I love the term “greasy spoon.” Sometimes those places can just hit the spot.

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