We shopped till we dropped. Albums, underwear, clothes, coats, perfume. We had pretzels, pretzels dogs, and strawberry lemonade. There are some select shops in TC that have a wide selection of albums and expensive panties (Tommy H for $4!!) on sale. And after shopping we had Kara, Riley and Kiki over to the cabin we rented for the remainder of our stay. And I’ve been dreading writing about this part but it’s something I want to remember because it was a big part of our stay, so I’m just going to come right out with it. The cabin was… not good. Tom’s allergic to cats, and there was cat hair everywhere. Including in the clean sheets. He sneezed more in that bed than he did holding Morn or Pumpkin or sleeping with them on his lap. The toilet was clogged before we used it, the whole place was it was infested with bugs and spiders, and to top it all off, the dishes were cleaner when we were done using and cleaning them than when we first pulled them from the cupboard. Ew. But despite all that we had a really good time because it was nice to get out of my dear mum’s small house. The poor little girls were sleeping on the living room couches. =\
BUT the Cinnabun pie was delicious with a capital D.
Oh, and somewhere in there Tom and Kat kicked each other’s asses in video games, I made pork chops, and we recorded our LATU video.

8 Sep 2009 at 10:44 amOmgomgomgomgomg, I need to visit just for the albums. Kyle and I just scored a record player for an amazing deal over the weekend, and we only have one record! Hahaha.
Sorry the cabin sucked. I feel so bad for Tom because I have such terrible allergies. Glad you guys still had fun, though!
sara lynn
2 Sep 2009 at 11:28 pmI loved this day too! And THANKS to YOU I have those glasses. I wasn’t going to get them! Also, this wasn’t the Peggle night, that is coming up though! YAY!
2 Sep 2009 at 11:20 pmI loved this day! 🙂 It was definitely on my mind while I found more vinyl today. We made some good calls. Could have left Bon Iver but everything else I couldn’t find here! WHEE. The thrill of the hunt. Then again I found a promotional copy of Fleetwood Mac’s “Sister of the Moon” so…I guess Toronto’s great for the old stuff?
You were kind, in that list, I can think of three other things I’d add on! But yes, being free to enjoy ourselves overrode everything. 🙂
*gasp* This wasn’t Peggle night was it? No maybe that was later…