
Janet Turns 26 (Okay, Not Really)

I apologize that these photos aren’t very good. I could blame it on the lighting, but the truth is that lately I’ve just been too tired to “bother” with composition, or to even stand still long enough to take a non-blurry photograph. It didn’t occur to me until after we had returned from such an amazing evening that I didn’t take that many photos, which is so unlike me. Heck, I had to be reminded twice to even take some of the ones I took! And as I was leaving I FORGOT MY CAMERA on the table. I have never ever had this happen to me with photography, ever, and that I will blame on being exhausted lately.

But I wanted to share this anyway because it was a really fun evening. Tom and I cooked a birthday dinner (lasagna, salad, bread, pumpkin pie, oh my!) for his mother and brought it over to her house for a little birthday celebration. My vegan lasagna (which I didn’t even photograph, UGH!) looked terrible. It fell apart and some of the noodles didn’t even look cooked. But boy was it delicious. (I won’t lie, I was surprised.) Broccoli and carrots, oh YUM!


We ended up staying over until midnight talking, and we were all shocked when we finally noticed the time. With the wedding approaching, I just want to say I feel very fortunate to get along so well with Tom’s folks. I care about them a lot, they’ve made me feel so loved, cherished, and worthy of their son. I am so thankful they are my family.

And I promise to get my act together and post better photographs.
Consider this getting back on the horse.

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  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    30 Sep 2010 at 8:11 pm

    It’s really nice to have in-laws that actually treat you lovingly: I feel blessed that Cory’s parents have been so kind and accepting of me in his life.

    Would you perhaps post the vegan lasagna recipe???

  • Reply
    30 Sep 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Where in the world did you find egg-less lasagna noodles?! I’ve been hunting those for my own cooking for a while now, and was about to resort to looking up how to make my own.

  • Reply
    30 Sep 2010 at 3:09 pm

    We all go through those slumps! There are so many times when I leave the house with my camera and come home realizing that I didn’t take a single photo. Sometimes I’ll go out and think “Oh, that would make a nice photo… Eh.” I think the really important thing is to recognize when you ARE in one of those slumps and try to find another way to occupy yourself (like COOKING! or… GETTING MARRIED! ;)), that way you don’t just burn yourself out. Take time for you and the photography bug will come back biting just as hard as ever. 😀

  • Reply
    30 Sep 2010 at 8:57 am

    I still remember the shy 19 year old girl with the picture of a steak taped to her cubicle. Is it corny to say that I’m proud of the woman (albeit an exhausted one) that you’ve become? I love following your blog, especially being so far away now. I do think you need a hot, fragrant, candlelit bath though. 🙂

  • Reply
    30 Sep 2010 at 8:29 am

    Just make up for it when you’re in Ireland. 😉

    Regardless, though, I still love these photos.

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