
Short Obtainable Goals

When winter hits I have to be careful. I tend to bundle up and stay inside and I don’t go outside to take photos very often, especially when I’m shivering from head to toe and my hands are shaking while I hold the camera to my face. After a moment or two of standing around I remember I’m supposed to be taking a picture of something, not blocking the wind from my face.

I lose patience as well. The shot I would have taken time with until I was certain I was pleased? Nope, that shot doesn’t exist in the winter. If I’m not satisfied within the first few attempts then it was a silly thing to try in the first place. I just don’t like being cold, and believe me, that’s really easy for me. I need knee highs, thick wool socks, boots, and then eight layers of clothing if I want to survive longer than ten minutes.

Though I have some goals this winter. Obviously with my Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs. project I’m going to need to take photos every day, but I have some other wishes as well. I’d like to take pretty pictures of the snow, with it’s stillness. I’d like to try and get a shot with the wind on top of the snow, and the rainbow snowflake bokeh beauties (you know what I mean). And I like the simplicity and the minimalistic feelings it brings. And I am really liking white.

Another goal would be to update this blog with more than just my 365 photos, though that’s been quite the undertaking.

Goals, goals, goals.
I love goals.

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