
Stuffed Animals, Hanging Upside Down, & A Flying Tom

I can’t believe it’s April already! (It’s almost time to see the cherry blossoms.) Last week I mentioned that I may have become addicted to levitation photos. All week I couldn’t wait until the weekend so I could try my hand at it behind the camera. Tom was kind enough to jump around looking stern and determined for me while I tried my hand at it.

Mississauga ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer
During November I had a moment of crazy project overload. I was participating in National Novel Writing Month and shouldering a 30 day gratitude project as well as finishing the last two months of Spurred. And I was struggling taking just one photo a day by this point, I can’t believe I made it through all three of them!

Good things come in small packages.” November 2nd (Day 305)
Milton ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer
When this was taken we were getting our bread from a local bakery, but now we use our bread maker instead! (I’m going to try my first cinnamon loaf this weekend.)

Fur” November 3rd (Day 306)
Guelph ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer
Hotaru’s “fur” is all pointy from excessive petting and cuddling.

Portrait” November 4th (Day 307)
Georgetown ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer
Once and a while I like to rotate my photo from landscape to portrait after I’ve taken it to grant a new perspective.

Small” November 5th (Day 308)
Orangeville ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer

Pink” November 6th (Day 309)
Oakville ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer

Oversized” November 7th (Day 310)
Toronto ON Lifestyle & Portrait Photographer
I have this oversized faux flower in my kitchen. It may be corney but it makes me smile every time I see it.

Morning” November 8th (Day 311)

Three years ago today I came to Canada to be with Tom, till death do us part. Every morning is a blessing.

Upside Down” November 9th (Day 312)

I just had to.

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  • Reply
    Genevieve Morrison
    4 Apr 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Oh morning is so so special! You guys are perfect.

  • Reply
    4 Apr 2012 at 12:42 am

    oh, i had a period where i was obsessed with levitation photos. yours are so cinematic. mine looked more like jumping shots instead. :/

    • Reply
      4 Apr 2012 at 7:39 am

      That levitation photo is incredible! (I liked the ones in a previous post as well- with the umbrella).

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